Digital Church Signs

Inspire your community with spectacular LED digital church marquees.

LED displays offer a means of quick and clear messaging to
worship devotees and communities, improving your outreach. 

Digital marquees extend an invitation!

Highlight worship service times and empower a welcoming atmosphere for new members! Outdoor LED signs for church extend an invitation—24 hours a day—7 days a week

While research has shown relationships remain the most effective means of attracting new members to your house of worship -- data also indicates good marketing/advertising are essential to growing your congregation through church LED signs. Build new relationships and attract potential attendees by promoting your location, service times, and church values with outdoor digital signs for churches. Digital signage offers houses of worship the opportunity to feature accurate information to the local community to boost attendance. Bring passersby into your facility with outdoor electronic signs for churches, and build a community through faith.

According to research, 70% of adults between 18-22 years of age stop visiting the church. But research also shows 7 out of 10 practicing Millennials read scriptures on screens. Screen-based technology is an effective way to reach to reach the Millennial demographic. By using outdoor LED signs for churches, you’ll extend your reach to believers.

Incorporating a cost-effective advertising strategy with digital technology promotes room for new members and showcases future events or service times with electronic church signs.

Questions about our digital church signs? Need more information? Give us a call at 800.876.1668 and we’ll help you get started!
