A Quick Guide to Forced Perspective With Digital Signs

A Quick Guide to Forced Perspective With Digital Signs

Forced perspective uses optical illusions to play with our visual perception and make us see images as bigger, smaller, closer, or farther away than they actually are. In advertising, forced perspective is a way to turn heads—to entice audiences to look again to really see what’s going on. It’s a magnificent attention grabber that brings your display to life.

But how exactly does it work with indoor and outdoor digital signs? Discover the power of perspective and see how you can take your content to the next level with this quick guide to forced perspective with digital signs.

Recognize the Power of the Corner Display

The most effective forced perspective LED displays use corner displays, or L-shaped digital LED screens, to achieve their 3D effect. Corner displays create forced perspective by combining two visuals showing different angles into a single piece of content. This brings depth to the content, tricking the eye into thinking the image is three-dimensional. While you can create forced perspective with flat LED screens using tricks like shading, borders, and blank space, it doesn’t have the same impact as the angle and perspective of a corner display.

Pay Attention to Vantage Point Limitations

Corner displays have their limitations, though. One of the biggest challenges of using L-shaped LED screens is that you can fall into the trap of having a viewing sweet spot, or a specific viewing angle where the perspective is most effective. If your images rely on this specific viewing angle, most people casually passing by the display won’t experience the full 3D effect. Moreover, those who stop and look at the display from a non-optimal angle will see a distorted image that does more harm than good for your advertisement.

How do you prevent your display from being limited to a single viewing spot? The solution lies in creative visuals and thoughtful design. For example, by designing a border within the edges of your LED screen, you can have the main visual of your display expand past that border, making it seem like it’s reaching beyond the limitations of the screen and into the real world. Design features like shading and sizing also add depth to the content and trick the eye into thinking your visuals exist within a 3D space.

Understand the Cost of Forced Perspective Design

One of the biggest perks of using forced perspective with digital signs is that it doesn’t require specialized LED displays, 3D glasses, or other unique tools to achieve the intended effect. However, it does take an immense level of creative expertise. Design times and rates are key factors to consider when figuring the cost of your forced perspective LED display. Much of the price lies in the creation of the 3D visuals, which can range anywhere from $300 to $2000 dollars per minute of content. This price will change depending on the kinds of images, videos, special effects, and other features you use.

Dynamic visuals require cutting-edge digital display technology. If you’re looking for the right outdoor digital signs to create a vivid and memorable advertisement using forced perspective, Optec Displays can help. Explore our range of powerful LED displays to find the perfect canvas for your content.